New Mother and Child Hospital
Place: Verona
Customer: Arena Sanità S.p.a.
Year: 2013-2017
Surface: 27,000 m²
Notes: Total beds: 231 (129 for children and 102 for women)
The University Hospital of Verona, in continuing to the construction of the new surgical pole “Pietro Confortini” with the system of project financing, has awarded a group of companies an important tender for the redevelopment of Borgo Trento Hospital.
The project involved a new structure arising from the need to demolish and rebuild from scratch the Woman and Child Centre building at Borgo Trento.
In the new Mother and Child Hospital are allocated the operating unit complex of Paediatrics (ordinary 65 beds and 10 day), obstetrics (72 beds) and gynaecology (30 beds) plus 8 day, paediatric surgery, paediatric Haematology and Child Neuropsychiatry. The nest consistes of 60 ordinary places.
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