Monthly Archives: March 2023

Site Management: Manens appointed for two important Hospital Projects

Site Management: Manens appointed for two important Hospital Projects

The health authority of Padua (ULSS 6 Euganea) has entrusted Manens as work coordinator and survey of the new patients’ ward of Cittadella Hospital, Padua. The new facility, with a surface area of about 26,000 sq.m. and an overall project value of almost 50 million euros, will complete the reconfiguration project of the Hospital Complex, […]

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Manens on the Project Team for the new Hospital in Syracuse

Manens on the Project Team for the new Hospital in Syracuse

The multi-disciplinary team led by Proger, including Manens and Inar, has been selected to produce the preliminary design and the construction management for the new hospital in Syracuse. The Project’s Special Commissioner announced the awarding of the assignment after the market survey launched in January 2023 and following the negotiation of contractual conditions. The city […]

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Ciao Gianluca

Ciao Gianluca

Con sgomento e tristezza siamo ad annunciare la prematura scomparsa di Gianluca Calace. È stato, insieme a Mauro Strada, l’artefice dell’affermazione di Steam (ora confluita in Manens) nel mercato dell’ingegneria italiana. Con il suo approccio al lavoro improntato al rigore e alla qualità, l’attenzione e responsabilizzazione dei collaboratori, ha fatto crescere la società, allargando il […]

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