ENR Top 225 International Design Firms 2023: Manens ranks again among 12 Italian firms

ENR Top 225 International Design Firms 2023: Manens ranks again among 12 Italian firms

Manens ranks 153rd among the 225 leading international engineering and architecture companies (12 of them Italian), selected by the US magazine ENR, based on 2022 turnover. Following the successful closure of our first company annual report as a single group, this further confirmation leads us to look forward confidently to the next challenges awaiting, in […]

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ITACA Protocol: Andrea Fornasiero among the Experts of the Italian green buildings model

ITACA Protocol: Andrea Fornasiero among the Experts of the Italian green buildings model

The evolution of the building sector towards increasingly innovative and zero-impact construction has led to the adoption of protocols and models to establish criteria for the construction and certification of sustainability in new buildings. In a national context, the ITACA Protocol is an example of an authentic Italian green certificate. Based on the international model […]

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Alessandra Lisiero becomes Envision Sustainability Professional

Alessandra Lisiero becomes Envision Sustainability Professional

Alessandra Lisiero – environmental specialist at Manens – has become Envision® Sustainability Professional (ENV SP), the international rating system certifying infrastructure sustainability. As a trained and qualified ENV SP, Alessandra is a key figure in the certification process, working with the project team to achieve the highest levels of sustainability. Envision® is a rating system […]

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Naples: the Real Albergo dei Poveri is to be a new cultural centre

Naples: the Real Albergo dei Poveri is to be a new cultural centre

The historic eighteenth-century building will be renovated as a cultural and multipurpose centre thanks to an NRRP project worth around 100 million. An intervention that has been awaited for decades, which will finally return the monumental building to the community, welcoming a second location for the Mann Archaeological Museum, the National Library of Naples – […]

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Torino Esposizioni towards regeneration with the new Civic Library and the renovation of ‘Teatro Nuovo’

Torino Esposizioni towards regeneration with the new Civic Library and the renovation of ‘Teatro Nuovo’

A massive redevelopment project for Turin: Parco del Valentino is going to get a new lease of life thanks to the NRRP funds, which will see the redevelopment of the entire park area, including the architectural, structural, plant engineering and functional renovation of the Torino Esposizioni complex. In addition to the Polytechnic of Turin, it […]

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Presenting the biophilic office “Welcome” at Progetti d’Italia 2023

Presenting the biophilic office “Welcome” at Progetti d’Italia 2023

In the yearly event of Progetti D’Italia from il Quotidiano Immobiliare, 600 delegates from the Real Estate community gathered to listen to some of the landmark projects currently being developed in Italy. Manens was present with our Director, Fabio Viero to briefly illustrate the financial benefits of Welcome, Feeling at Work, the first biophilic high-performance office building designed together […]

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REbuild 2023: designing the future of Smart Cities

REbuild 2023: designing the future of Smart Cities

The 9th edition of Rebuild is about to begin: 9-10 May, the Congress Centre of Riva del Garda (Trento) will host meetings, conferences and networking, gathering all the construction industry players. This year, the event dedicated to sustainable innovation of the built environment will tackle the challenges of tomorrow’s building industry introducing case histories, studies […]

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The Monopoli-Fasano Hospital heading to completion

The Monopoli-Fasano Hospital heading to completion

After 4 years of work, the Monopoli-Fasano Hospital, located in Puglia, Southern Italy,  will soon be completed, despite the critical issues brought by Covid. The new facility, a project by Studio PINEARQ, Barcelona, in team with Manens and Studio Mauro Sàito Architect and executed by WEBuild, might be officially presented by the end of July […]

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