Manens-Tifs wishes you </br>a Happy New Year

Manens-Tifs wishes you
a Happy New Year

“L’anno nuovo si apre nella prospettiva di una ripresa economica, laddove il mondo dell’ingegneria e della progettazione svolgerà un ruolo centrale. Sarà questo anche il momento per spingere sul rinnovamento dei processi progettuali e sul consolidamento di una vera cultura della sostenibilità ambientale che coinvolga sia il mondo interno dei collaboratori, sia il mondo esterno […]

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The Report 2020 “On the Italian Construction, Architecture and Engineering Industry” has been published

The Report 2020 “On the Italian Construction, Architecture and Engineering Industry” has been published

In spite of the emergency generated by the pandemic, Aldo Norsa has punctually published the awaited annual report, which provides a detailed analysis of the health state of the sector, highlighting its weaknesses and criticalities. Manens-Tifs confirms its role among the top ten Italian Engineering Firms (10th). Even though a turnover decrease due to a […]

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Manens-Tifs strengthens its BIM specialists team

Manens-Tifs strengthens its BIM specialists team

Manens-Tifs congratulates its collaborators Antonio Tuccillo and Letizia Pastorello (BIM Manager); Matteo Carriero, Elisa Brunati and Francesca Sannini (BIM Coordinator); Enrico Ruggero, Marco Tattoli, Silvia Corradi and Luca Berardo (BIM Specialist) who, with the test taken last December 11, obtained the ICMQ certification as BIM experts in accordance with UNI 11337-7 and UNI/PdR 78:2020. The […]

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Manens-Tifs will develop the design of the new University Campus in the district of MIND, Milan

Manens-Tifs will develop the design of the new University Campus in the district of MIND, Milan

On December 11th , it has been officially awarded the tender for the construction of the new University Campus in MIND – Milano Innovation District, which will be located in the former area of Expo 2015. The joint venture awarded the tender, called by the University of Milan, is led by Lendlease Infrastructure (group leader) […]

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First Q Network Companies combined staff will be 2.900 in 2020

First Q Network Companies combined staff will be 2.900 in 2020

First Q Network celebrated its autumn general meeting last 15th October, again by video-conference. All members shared their visions and projects for the future, such as The Link tower in La Défense, Paris (image above), to be engineered by French First Q member, Barbanel. Partners agreed that Covid-19 is a risk but also an opportunity […]

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The redevelopment of former Magazzini Generali’s area in Verona goes on

The redevelopment of former Magazzini Generali’s area in Verona goes on

Commercial, managerial and service areas will be located on the site of the old industrial complex. Since the beginning of the restoration, Manens-Tifs has been accompanying the design development of the various structures, providing on-site assistance during the execution of the works for all plant-related and technological aspects (offices of Unicredit, GlaxoSmithKline and DoValue, Eataly […]

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The WELL Building Standard™ version 2 (WELL v2™) is here!

The WELL Building Standard™ version 2 (WELL v2™) is here!

The new version 2 of the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL v2™) has been launched and now available for use by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI). WELL v2 is a vehicle for buildings and organizations which deliver more thoughtful and intentional spaces that enhance the human well-being and includes a set of strategies that aim […]

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Manens-Tifs in the World GBC’s global campaign Plant a Sensor

Manens-Tifs in the World GBC’s global campaign Plant a Sensor

Manens-Tifs is involved, in partnership with GBC Italia, in the World GBC’s global campaign Plant a Sensor, to mobilize businesses and organizations to measure and share air pollution in and outside of buildings. Plant a Sensor is led by the World Green Building Council, in collaboration with RESET – whose mission is to leverage technology […]

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Manens-Tifs obtains the new environmental management system certification according to UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard

Manens-Tifs obtains the new environmental management system certification according to UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard

Last week, Manens-Tifs obtained the new Environmental Management System certification according to UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard, following the verification of compliance with local and national environmental regulations as well as the implementation of the environmental management system carried out by the offices of Padua and Verona. Among the different services carried out there were […]

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