Positive Growth for Manens in the 2023 Financial Report

Positive Growth for Manens in the 2023 Financial Report

On July 26th, the Company’s General Assembly approved the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2023, highlighting revenues of €43.4 million, marking a 13.2% growth compared to the previous year. This result stems from the 57% from Italian production, while the remaining 43% comes from international activities. Manens thus confirms its planned growth strategy, aiming to reach a first milestone of €50 million by 2025 and €80 million by 2028.

The commercial activities developed over the past year have allowed an increase in the work portfolio, which now exceeds €110 million. The company’s growth strategy remains focused on strong specialization in integrated engineering for “complex” buildings, maintaining the development drivers of Environmental Sustainability and Process Digitalization, which the company has been investing in for years.

Following this development path, Manens intends to strengthen its presence in traditional sectors, where the company has a consolidated experience — such as healthcare and university facilities, office and commercial buildings, airport structures, etc.—while expanding its interest and specialization in those areas where Manens’ activity has been marginal, such as Data Centers and sports venues.

After the growth of recent years, fueled by the extraordinary investment plan financed by the EU Recovery and Resilience Plan, the engineering market in Italy is showing signs of stalling, which is why the company is reorganizing its commercial structure to strengthen its presence abroad, starting with the already operational branches in Saudi Arabia – which gives us an overlook on the whole Middle East region – and Romania.

Moreover, following significant contracts awarded last year for construction management services (new University of Milan Science Hub in the MIND area, new Polytechnic School in Erzelli, Genoa, City of Health and Research in Milan, and others), Manens has launched a plan to increase resources with specific expertise in this activity, while developing new tools and methodologies for managing large-scale complex construction sites, and opening new operational offices in Milan and Campania Region.

Finally, in the early months of 2024, the Company, conscious of its social responsibility towards employees and sustainability, launched projects to obtain certifications in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and Gender Equality.

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